Web Hosting

Domain: Thanks to Mr. Bailey Cotton who generously allowed us to host our website on a 1hsd.org domain for free. He communicated with us for any of our needs. 

Web Hosting Service: Our web hosting service is GitHub Pages. GitHub has their own hosting service called GitHub Pages where it is free to host educational project. You can see our code running here or by clicking the GitHub icon in the footer.

SSL: Let's Encrypt has partnered with GitHub to generate SSL Certificates for all GitHub Pages sites.

Website Code

Website Builder: While the majority of the code being used was created by Kelvin Orduna, some of the code and grid-style columns were generated by Bootstrap Studio.

Website Pre-Build/Design: Our design was originally designed on Grapedrop.

Code Editor: Brackets for Mac.

W3 Schools: Provided some snippets of code found in this website.

Technical Components

Framework: Bootstrap 4


CDN: Our CDN ("Content Delivery Network") is GitHub. All of our assets such as favicon, backgrounds, profile images, and code is hosted there. You can find these by clicking here or by using the hmsfbla.1hsd.org/assets/[folder]/[file] path.

Background Images: If the image is not ours, like in the Projects, Privacy Policy, Get Involved, Credits, Contact, Write a Letter or legal pages then the images were provided by Unsplash.
All images that are used that are not ours are listed here:

Images on our Members page: Photos of students were taken by Lifetouch and provided to us by T. Bolinger, our FBLA Proctor. A photos that does not have a Lifetouch Background was taken by Mrs. Winters, our FBLA Advisor. The header image was also take by our FBLA Advisor.

Favicon/Critical website images

  • Our favicon, which can be found here, was produced by Shopify Hatchful and is being used with a license.
  • Our logo, which can be found here, was produced by Shopify Hatchful and is being used with a license.
  • Files were made transparent with remove.bg
  • Some images that were resized or modified, were done so with Canva For Education and Photoshop.

Other Photos: Any other photo(s) that is found on hmsfbla.1hsd.org was taken by us or used with a license.


Video: Our website contains one video which was recorded by Kelvin Orduna. The video was edited, captioned, and published by Kelvin Orduna. You can find this video on our homepage or on YouTube.

Music: : "Eternal Minds [NCS Release]" provided by "NoCopyrightSounds" is autoplaying throughout the website. This music is being sued with an attribution license.

Song: Waysons - Eternal Minds [NCS Release] 
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds 
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/eternalminds 
Watch: http://youtu.be/ZhECyz85FMc 


Forms: Forms on hmsfbla.1hsd.org and any slugs were created by Kelvin Orduna. 

  • Google Forms: Data is sent to Google and processed by them.
    Google Maps API processed by Google. Key obtained by Kelvin Orduna.
  • Any non-descriptive form on hmsfbla.1hsd.org: Data is sent to Bootstrap Studio and processed by them.

Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy (hmsfbla.1hsd.org/legal/privacy) was generated by termly.io

Terms of Use: Terms of Use (hmsfbla.1hsd.org/legal/terms) was generated by termly.io

Other: Any property that is not listed above and are on hmsfbla.1hsd.org is being used properly under the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia" and/or the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia & DMCA"

If you believe your rights are being violated, please contact us and we'll resolve it.